Our school family
Our school family
Archbishop Sentamu Academy
Aspire Academy
Barlby High School
Burton Green Primary School
Compass Academy
Forest of Galtres Primary School
George Pindar School
Graham School
Manor CE Academy
Newland St John’s CE Academy
Poppleton Ousebank Primary School
Skelton Primary School
St James’ CE Academy
Vale of York Academy



The Hope Sentamu Learning Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a charitable trust.

Responsibility for the academies that make up the trust and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.

These Trustees are also the Directors of the company. Trustees are also members of sub-committees, namely Standards Committee, Resources Committee, Audit and Risk Committee and Distinctiveness and Personal Development Committee.  Much of the work of the Board is delegated to a separate committee for each academy, known as a Local Governing Committee (LGC).

The Trust recognises the significant contribution that excellent local governance can make towards raising standards. In order to assist this, the Trust provides support to LGCs with governor recruitment, selection and training. It ensures that LGCs are well trained and supported by the central team. LGCs recommend their budgets for approval to the Trust. As well as providing a range of services including school improvement, ICT, HR, project management, communications and legal advice, the Trust also provides strategic oversight of financial control and strategy through the Resources Committee and the Audit Committee.

Governance is a crucial element in ensuring our children and young people get the best education and that they are able to thrive. It can be a complex and daunting process but we ensure our governors are trained and equipped to support their schools to the highest standards.

There are three key elements which governors are responsible for, which include:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its children and young people; and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

As a Trust, we are there to support and develop highly effective local governance.

If you would like to apply to become a governor on one of our LGCs, please contact us via the Contact page or contact the school directly

Hope Sentamu Learning Trust Governing Board Structure

Members' Board

The Board will consist of a minimum of three Members.

Members do not sit on the Trust Board. The Members meet three times a year, plus an extraordinary AGM to receive the annual report and accounts.

Members are the custodians of the governance of the Trust. They constitute the top governance tier, but have limited powers and have a largely hidden role in terms of the running of the Trust. The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint some of the trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s Articles of Association. 

Standards Committee

Karen Osborne (Chair)

Meet five times a year

Resources Committee

Andrew Simpkin (Chair)

Meet six times a year

Distinctiveness and Personal Development Committee

Phillipa Gowland (Chair)

Meet five times a year

Audit and Risk Committee

TBC (Chair)

Meet three times a year

Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) Board – The Board

The Board will consist of a minimum of six Directors including a Chair of The Board and a Vice Chair. Other Directors are appointed based on the skills and attributes they are able to contribute to the Trust, subject to the Members appointing the majority of the Directors. Skills represented on The Board must include a combination of finance (qualified accountant), HR, Business, primary and secondary education skills and Church schools skills. The Board meet six times a year, plus one extraordinary meeting to receive accounts. The term of office for all Directors is four years. The Secondary Heads and the Primary Heads each nominate a representative to attend Trust Board meetings.

The Board has four sub-committees: a Standards Committee, a Resources Committee (Resources Committee includes the functions of a pay committee), Audit and Risk Committee and a Distinctiveness and Personal Development Committee. 

Local Governing Committees (LGCs)

The Local Governing Committees will consist of a maximum number of Governors (9, 11 or 13) depending on the size of the school. These LGCs will consist of differing structures dependent upon the status of the former school, i.e. Community, VA or VC schools. All Governors will have a four year term of office with the exception of the Headteacher/Principal. Some of our schools have a joint LGC, led by the same Chair.

Full detail about each LGC can be found on the individual school’s website. Including:

  • LGC meeting dates 
  • Information about a governors role and how to become a governor
  • The names of governors who have served in the last 12 months 
  • Full names of all serving governors and the responsibilities of the LGC, when they were appointed and which body appointed each governor
  • Details of how to contact the Chair 
  • Relevant business and pecuniary interests of each governor


The Seven Principles of Public Life

(Originally published by the Nolan Committee: The Committee on Standards in Public Life was established by the then Prime Minister in October 1994, under the Chairmanship of Lord Nolan, to consider standards of conduct in various areas of public life, and to make recommendations.)

Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.

Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.

In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.

Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.

Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.

Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.

Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

Calendar of Trustee meetings

Wednesday 27th September 2023, 6pm
Wednesday 13th December 2023, 6pm (Accounts & Annual Report)
Wednesday 24th January 2024 6pm (Following AGM)
Wednesday 20th March 2024, 6pm
Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 6pm
Wednesday 17th July 2024, 6pm

Terms of Reference

Attendance at Meetings

Those accepting the office of Governor or Trustee will need to be mindful that the role does require a significant level of commitment. Governors and Trustees will be expected to regularly attend meetings, for the full duration whenever possible. Regular non-attendance can lead to eventual disqualification. In addition, Governors and Trustees are expected to prepare for meetings by reading all papers beforehand.

Attendance at meetings are available on the links below;

Attendance at Meetings – Members
Attendance at Meetings – Trustees

Local Governing Committees Business Interests & Attendance Registers

Archbishop Sentamu Academy
Chair of Governors: Susan Teal
Click here for a link to the Archbishop Sentamu Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Aspire Academy
Chair of Governors: Lynn Benton
Click here for a link to the Aspire Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Barlby High School
Chair of Governors: Jen Mayne
Click here for a link to the Barlby High School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Burton Green Primary School
Chair of Governors: Elaine Boyes 
Click here for a link to the Burton Green Primary School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

The Compass Academy
Chair of Governors: Lynn Benton
Click here for a link to the Compass Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Forest of Galtres Methodist and Anglican Primary School
Chair of Governors: Simon Rigg
Click here for a link to the Forest of Galtres Methodist and Anglican Primary School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

George Pindar School
Chair of Governors: Reverend Stephen Walker (Interim Chair)
Click here for a link to the George Pindar School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Graham School
Chair of Governors: Reverend Stephen Walker (Interim Chair)
Click here for a link to the Graham School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Manor Church of England Academy
Chair of Governors: Andy Richardson
Click here for a link to the Manor CE Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Newland St John’s CE Academy
Chair of Governors: Fred Owen
Click here for a link to the Newland St John’s CE Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Poppleton Ousebank Primary School
Chair of Governors: Alex Johnson
Click here for a link to the Poppleton Ousebank Primary School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Skelton School
Chair of Governors: Elaine Boyes (Chair)
Click here for a link to the Skelton School Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

St James’ CE Academy
Chair of Governors: Pat O’Brien
Click here for a link to the St James’ CE Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Vale of York Academy
Chair of Governors: Patrick Looker
Click here for a link to the Vale of York Academy Local Governing Committee
(including Register of Business Interests and Attendance records)

Trust Board Register of Business Interests

Name of TrusteeNature of any business interests including details of the company or organisationDate of start of interestDetails of governor membership at another school or academyDetails of any relationship between trustee and member of Trust staff (eg spouse)
Jane Lewis (Chair)Together People (Director)2005Mark Lewis (Spouse) is also Director. Co-op Grange Academy
Chair of Academy Intervention
Board Jan-Dec 2023
Tang Hall Big Local CIO (Trustee)2015
Tang Hall Big Local Partnership (Chair)2022
York Community Church (Trustee)November 1993Spouse is Interim Minister
Lewis Sand Art2022Spouse is Freelance Sand & Ice Sculptor trading as Lewis Sand Art.
Andrew SimpkinPortakabin Group (Construction Industry) Head of Product DeliveryAugust 1988NoneWife employed at Poppleton Ousebank Primary School
Member of St Michael Le Belfrey YorkAugust 2021
Member of Law Society1998
Karen OsborneNoneNoneNone
Steven HarveyNoneNoneNone
Patrick LookerYork City CouncilOctober 2003Governor at Vale of York (Nov 2022)None
Joe McKeoghSenior Internal Auditor for NG BaileyOctober 2022NoneNone
Member and Treasurer of St Michael le Belfrey Church30th May 2024NoneNone

Members Register of Business Interests

Name of TrusteeNature of any business interests including details of the company or organisationStart date of interestDetails of governor membership at another school or academyDetails of any relationship between trustee and member of Trust staff (eg spouse)
Mr Andrew Smith (DBE Representative)Director of DBE Services – a Consortia of Northern Dioceses providing building/school improvement support2016Member – Ebor MAT, Dales
MAT, Galileo MAT, The
Education Alliance, Elevate
Collaborative Learning
Trust, Pathfinder MAT,
South York MAT
Trustee of the National Society – Governance of the Church of England Education Office2019
Director of Diocese of York Educational Trust (DYET)2016
Employee – York Diocesan Board of Finance2016
The Right
Reverend Paul
Ferguson, Bishop
of Whitby
(Archbishop of
DBE Services (Educational Trading Company) (Director & Chair)2008Dales Academic Trust ((Member, Director & Chair), Hope Sentamu Learning Trust (Member), Ebor Academy Trust (Member), Pathfinder Academy Trust (Member)
York Diocesan Board of Finance (ex-offico Director)2001
Diocese of York Educational Trust (Director & Chair)2013
Together Middlesbrough & Cleveland (Director & Chair)2017
York St John University (Director)2017
Westcott House, Cambridge (Trustee & Chair)2018
Methodist Chapel Aid (Director)2021
Lindy Illingsworth (DYET Representative)Tadcaster Bridge Project, Trustee2022
Authorised Lay Minister and member of the PCC of the Parish of Rural Ainsty2023
Member of Parish of Marston Moor1990
Member of Parish of Rural Ainsty2020

CEO/Trust's Accounting Officer's Register of Business Interests

Nature of interest

Helen Winn is the Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer for Hope Sentamu Learning Trust. Helen does not have a governance role at another educational institution and does not have a relationship with any member of the Trust

Date of start of interest

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