In this section of our website, you will find key documents about financial information. You can find full details of what we spend and how we spend it, as well as information about our company formation and statutory accounts here:
Charging and Remissions
Click below to view:
Annual Report and Financial Statements
Click below to view:
FGME Summary
Click below to view:
Master and Supplemental Funding Agreements
Master Funding Agreement and the Deed of Novation and Variation are available upon request due to the file size of these documents. Please contact
Gov Link:
Click below to view the Supplemental Funding Agreements:
Archbishop Sentamu Academy - Supplemental Agreement
Barlby High School - Supplemental Agreement
Burton Green Primary School - Supplemental Agreement
Forest of Galtres Anglican Methodist Primary School - Supplemental Agreement
Graham School - Supplemental Agreement
George Pindar Primary School - Supplemental Agreement
Newland St Johns CoE Academy - Supplemental Agreement
Poppleton Ousebank Primary School - Supplemental Agreement
Skelton Primary School - Supplemental Agreement
St James CoE Academy - Supplemental Agreement
Vale of York Academy - Supplemental Agreement
Executive Pay
In line with the requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook the Trust must publish details of how many employees have a gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more. Benefits for this purpose include salary, other taxable benefits and termination payments, but not the Trust’s own pension costs.
For the financial year ending 31st August 2024, Hope Sentamu Learning Trust had seven employees earning £100,000 or more.
£100,001 - 110,000: 3
£110,001 - 120,000: 2
£120,001 -130,000: N/A
£130,001 - 140,000: 1
£140,001 - 150,000: N/A
£150,001 - £160,000: 1
Financial Benchmarking
Compare a school or trust’s income and expenditure with similar establishments in England;
Archbishop Sentamu Academy
Aspire Academy
Barlby High School
Burton Green Primary
Compass Academy
Forest of Galtres Anglican Methodist Primary
George Pindar School
Graham School
Manor CE Academy
Newland St John's CE Academy
Poppleton Ousebank Primary
Skelton Primary
St James’ CE Academy
Vale of York Academy
Pupil Premium
Each school’s Pupil Premium information is available on their websites, please see the links below for more information
Archbishop Sentamu Academy
Aspire Academy
Barlby High School
Burton Green Primary
Compass Academy
Forest of Galtres Anglican Methodist Primary
George Pindar School
Graham School
Manor CE Academy
Newland St John's CE Academy
Poppleton Ousebank Primary
Skelton Primary
St James’ CE Academy
Vale of York Academy